
DANDRUFF ➡️ Definition It is a skin condition that makes itchiness and affects mainly the scalp . Dandruff is also known as ‘ seborrheic dermatitis ’ which is the extreme form of the condition includes inflammation of the skin. This cause top layer of the skin gets damaged with scalp starts to break out. Top layer controls the dead cells that protect more brittle cells below. Flaking of dead skin is a part of the regular process where dead skin cells drop with a new layer formulated below. However, certain factors make inordinate flaking of the skin. Dandruff can be really embarrassing and irritating to deal with. And the worst thing about dandruff is that it may cause acne and mess up with skin too. The dandruff flake is either dry or greasy. It affects the strength of your hair and leads them to hair fall. ➡️ Types Dandruff can be of following types: Dry Skin-Related Dandruff: Dandruff that occurs because of dry skin is a very common type. Generally, dur...