A journey inside your heart.
Hey guys. On an average a car has a suitcase-sized engine weighing around 300 pounds. A jet engine is a couple of tons heavy and several people could fit inside it. But the most powerful engine out there is the size of your ✊ fist and weighs no more than a can of soup. It's the human heart. How does it works 🤔 ? To start our journey we need to get inside a human body. This is " Harry" . We'll checkout-in while he is fast asleep 😜 . We'll get inside through Harry's mouth. He breathes the air in and we rush into his lung. Let's hold on to the oxygen molecule as it takes us with its ride on the red blood cell (RBC) . Great ! We have made it into the blood. Yeah ! Now much over here, the walls of tunnel are getting bigger as we are moving to the slightly bigger venules and then to the veins towards the heart. These blood vessels remind me the water pipes rides. They are soft and flexible, see how they can stretch and narrow in th...